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- Esteves B., Pandit H. J. , Krog G. P., and Ryan P., How to Manage My Data? With Machine-Interpretable GDPR Rights!, JURIX2024, Bmo, Czech Republic
- Vandemoortele N., Steenwinckel B. ,Van Hoecke S., and Ongenae F., Scalable Table-to-Knowledge Graph Matching from Metadata using LLMs, ISWC 2024, Baltimore, USA
- Tam B.-E. , Taelman R. , Rojas Meléndez J. A. , and Colpaert P., Optimizing Traversal Queries of Sensor Data Using a Rule-Based Reachability Approach, ISWC 2024, Baltimore, USA
- Vercruysse A., Pots J. , Rojas Melendez J. A. , and Colpaert P., RDF-Connect : a declarative framework for streaming and cross-environment data processing pipelines, ISWC 2024, Baltimore, USA
- Van Lancker D., Logghe S., Rojas Melendez J.A., De Craene A., Vanlishout Z. , and Colpaert P., Semantic and technically interoperable data exchange in the Flanders smart data space, ISWC 2024, Baltimore, USA
- Van Assche D., Chaves-Fraga D. , and Dimou A., KROWN : a benchmark for RDF graph materialisation, ISWC 2024, Baltimore, USA
- Pandit H.J. , Esteves B., Krog G. , Ryan P. , Golpayegani D. , and Flake J., Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) – Version 2.0, ISWC 2024, Baltimore, USA
- Tam B.-E. , Taelman R. , Colpaert P., and Verborgh R., Opportunities for Shape-based Optimization of Link Traversal Queries, 16th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Mexico, Mexico
- Eschauzier R. , Taelman R. , and Verborgh R., The R3 Metric: Measuring Performance of Link Prioritization during Traversal-based Query Processing, 16th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, Mexico, Mexico
- Theys T., Haegemans T., Mechant P., Bourgeus A., and Saldien J., Solid-enabled personal online data stores : uncovering UX implications for online data management, IHSED 2024, Split, Croatia
- Golpayegani D. , Esteves B., Harshvardhan, J. Pandit and Lewis, (2024), AIUP: an ODRL Profile for Expressing AI Use Policies to Support the EU AI Act, SEMANTiCS’24: 20th International Conference on Semantic Systems, September 17–19, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Hochstenbach, P., van Noort, M., Arndt, D., Martens, R., De Roo, J., Verborgh, R., Ongenae, F. (2024). RDF Surfaces: Enabling Classical Negation on the Semantic Web.
- Smessaert, I., Hochstenbach, P., De Meester, B., Taelman, R., & Verborgh, R. (2024). DFDP : a declarative form description pipeline for decentralizing web forms. In J. Theissen-Lipp, P. Colpaert, S. K. Sowe, E. Curry, & S. Decker (Eds.), SDS 2024 : Semantics in Dataspaces 2024 : proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantics in Dataspaces (SDS 2024) co-located with the 21st Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2024) (Vol. 3705). CEUR.
- De Mulder, G., De Meester, B., de Vleeschauwer, E., Colpaert, P., & Härtig, O. (2024). The open circularity platform: a decentralized data sharing platform for circular value networks. KG4S2024, the 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Sustainability, Colocated with the 21st Extended Semantic Web Conference,ESWC2024. Presented at the Hersonissos, Greece.
- Vercruysse, A., Rojas Melendez, J. A., & Colpaert, P. (2024). Linking application and semantic data with RDF Lens. SEMANTiCS2024, the International Conference on Semantic Systems. Presented at the Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Vercruysse, A., Pots, J., Rojas Melendez, J. A., & Colpaert, P. (2024). RDF-Connect: A declarative framework for streaming and cross-environment data processing pipelines. SofLiM4KG2024, TheSoftware Lifecycle Management for Knowledge Graphs Workshop, Co-Located with ISWC’24. Presented at the Baltimore, USA.
- Theys, T., Bourgeus, A., Mechant, P., De Marez, L., & Saldien, J. (2024). Expert Perspectives on UX Design Challenges for Solid-Enabled Personal Data Store Applications. In HCI International 2024 Posters (pp. 136–145).
- Bourgeus, August; Vandercruysse, Laurens (2024): Reinvigorating Consent: Exploring New Paradigms for Privacy and Data Sharing. Proceedings of 22nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. DOI: European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). EISSN: 2510-2591. Exploratory papers. Rimini, Italy. 17 June – 21 June, 2024
- D’Hauwers,R.,Bourgeus,A. (2024).Strategies. EMPOWERING DATA SOVEREIGNTY: STRATEGIES OF DATA INTERMEDIARIES IN DATA ECOSYSTEMS. 37th Bled eConference – Resilience Through Digital Innovation: Enabling the Twin Transition: June 9 – 12, 2024, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings (Vols. 37.). University of Maribor Press.
- de Vleeschauwer, E., Maria, P., De Meester, B., & Colpaert, P. (2024). RML-view-to-CSV: A proof-of-concept Implementation for RML Logical Views. KGCW2024, Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction, Part of ESWC2024, 3718.
- Van Assche, D., Jankaj, J., & De Meester, B. (2024). Backwards or forwards? [R2]RML backwards compatibility in RMLMapper. KGCW2024, Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction, Part of ESWC2024, 3718.
- Van Herwegen, J., & Verborgh, R. (2024). Granular access to policy-governed linked data via partial server-side query. ESWC2024, the European Semantic Web Conference. Presented at the Hersonissos, Greece.
- Hanski, J., Taelman, R., & Verborgh, R. (2024). Observations on bloom filters for traversal-based query execution over solid pods. ESWC2024, the European Semantic Web Conference. Presented at the Hersonissos, Greece.
- Bourgeus, A., Vandercruysse, L., & Verhulst, N. (2024). Understanding Contextual Expectations for Sharing Wearables’ Data: Insights from a Vignette Study. Computers in Human Behavior Reports,
- M. De Mildt, The business models of Solid-based data sharing, short abstract of a talk at BDSA life long learning session, Brussels, June 20th 2024
- M. De Mildt, The added value of using Solid data pods in a lifelong learning context, short abstract of a talk at BDSA Day, Brussels, May 27th 2024
- S. Verbrugge and A.-L. Herregodts, Data Space Business Models, short abstract of a talk at Belgian Data Space Alliance (BDSA) Day, Brussels, May 27th 2024
- Bourgeus, A., Theys, T., Verhulst, N., Vandercruysse, L., Mechant, P. (2024). Towards an Affordance-Based Typology of Personal Data Stores. In: Bieker, F., de Conca, S., Gruschka, N., Jensen, M., Schiering, I. (eds) Privacy and Identity Management. Sharing in a Digital World. Privacy and Identity 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 695. Springer, Cham.
- Luyten K., Van Seghbroeck, G., Kerckhove W., Dupont T., De Turck F., Volckaert B. (2023) “The Solid Development Experience: Giving Developers the Tools They Need”. 22nd International Conference on WWW/Internet.
- de Mildt, M., Verbrugge, S., & Colle, D. (2023). “The reality of data-driven ecosystems: how do theoretic benefits hold true in practice?”. In ITS2023, the 32nd European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society.
- 28/05/2023, de Vleeschauwer E., Sitt Min Oo, De Meester B., Colpaert P. (2023). “Reference Conditions: Relating Mapping Rules Without Joining”
- Theys, T., Haegemans, T., Saldien, J., De Marez, L., & Kashefi, A. (2023). Enhancing users’ attitudes towards webids : exploring the effects of persuasive messaging on user adoption : an experiment exploring the effects of persuasive messaging on the user adoption of WebIDs. MuC ’23 : Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2023, 529–533., van Noort M. (2023). “Formalizing Stream Reasoning for a Decentralized Semantic Web”.
- 15/05/2023, Hochstenbach P., De Roo J., Verborgh R. (2023). “RDF Surfaces: Computer Says No”.
- Vandercruysse, L., D’Hauwers, R., & Bourgeus, A. (2023). Citizen-Centric Personal Data Storage in The Public Sector: An Exploration of Opportunities, Challenges, and Preconditions. Journal of Innovation Management, 11(3), 30-53.
- 15/05/2023, Eschauzier R., Taelman R., Morren M., Verborgh R. (2023). “Reinforcement Learning-based SPARQL Join Ordering Optimizer”.
- 12/05/2023, Hanski J., Heyvaert P., De Meester B., Taelman R., Verborgh R. (2023). “Distributed Social Benefit Allocation using Reasoning over Personal Data in Solid”.
- 04/05/2023, Hanski J. (2023). “Optimisation of Link Traversal Query Processing over Distributed Linked Data through Adaptive Techniques”
- 30/08/2022, Van Damme, S., Mechant, P., Vlassenroot, E., Van Compernolle, M., Buyle, R., Bauwens, D. (2022). “Towards a Research Agenda for Personal Data Spaces: Synthesis of a Community Driven Process”. In: , et al. Electronic Government. EGOV 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13391. Springer, Cham.
- 20/06/2022, ITS Europe, “Solid: Enabler of decentralized, digital platforms ecosystems”
- R. Dedecker, W. Slabbinck, J. Wright, P. Hochstenbach, P. Colpaert, and R. Verborgh. 2022. What’s in a Pod? – A knowledge graph interpretation for the Solid ecosystem. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs (CEUR WorkshopProceedings), 81–96.
- A. Vercruysse, S. M. Oo, and P. Colpaert, “Describing a network of live datasets with the SDS vocabulary,” in MEPDaW2022, Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web, 2022. [Online]. Available:
- W. Slabbinck, R. Dedecker, S. Vasireddy, R. Verborgh, & P. Colpaert (2022). Linked Data Event Streams in Solid containers. International Semantic Web Conference, 2022,
- A. Vercruysse, S. M. Oo, and P. Colpaert, “Describing a network of live datasets with the SDS vocabulary,” in MEPDaW2022, Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web, 2022. [Online]. Available:
- D’Hauwers, R., Walravens, N., & Ballon, P. (2022). Data Ecosystem Business Models: Value and control in Data Ecosystems. Journal of Business Models, 10(2), 1-30.
- D. Van Assche, S. M. Oo, J. A. Rojas, and P. Colpaert (2022). Continuous generation of versioned collections’ members with RML and LDES. ESWC 2022 – Workshop
- G. De Mulder and B. De Meester, “Implementation-independent Knowledge Graph Construction Workflows using FnO Composition,” in Third International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction, 2022. [Online]. Available:
- W. Slabbinck, R. Dedecker, S. Vasireddy, R. Verborgh, & P. Colpaert (2022). Linked Data Event Streams in Solid containers. International Semantic Web Conference, 2022