
  • HorizonEurope Project OntoDESIDE where IDLab during 2022-2024 will work on an ontology-based decentralised sharing of industry data in the European circular economy. Technically, the digital twin idea will be implemented as an open circularity platform using existing, and emerging, Web technologies (TRL3-5), such as RML for semantically annotating heterogeneous data sources, Solid for building decentralized applications based on Linked Data principles, and incorporating validation and verification methods that provide proofs of data authenticity. The PoC will thus be based on IDLab’s E2E Linked Open Data publishing suite (including RML mappings & Solid data pods).
  • imec ICON Project AI4FL (AI for Food Logistics) where IDLab during 2022-2023 will combine Comunica (IDLab’s in-house SPARQL federation engine) with SPORKL (IDLab’s in-house OBDA system). This will bring a solution beyond SotA that improves both expressivity and performance. The combination will be integrated into a Solid demonstrator @ Delhaize.